The Best Planner To Manifest Your Dream Life (& Be More Fulfilled!)


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Last updated on August 7th, 2021.

You are probably aware of the benefits of keeping a journal to manifest your dreams.

Now, you may be wondering which is the best planner to support you in creating goals that fire your soul and in manifesting your new life vision.

There are many great planners out-there: the choice can be overwhelming and leave you with many questions:

  • Do you start a bullet journal?
  • Do you get a more traditional daily planner and tweak it for your manifestations?
  • Most importantly: how do you set your planner up to actually suit your objectives and help you with your manifestation routine?

Well, today I am going to tell you about a planner that may be just be the best planner to manifest your dreams.

This may be the best planner to manifest your dreams. Click To Tweet

Introducing the Dream Life Planner!

The Dream Life Planner might be the best planner to manifest your dream life.
(Ok, I may just be a little partial since I happen to have created it…)

Seriously though, it’s a pretty awesome planner.

Let me explain!

Why I created this planner.

I have been using manifestation for decades. (Yep, that long…!)

The process is challenging.

One thing I’ve noticed is that staying focused and organized makes a huge difference with regards to your results.

At first (and for many years!), I struggled with doubts, anxiety and confusion and I was basically destroying my manifestations with my erratic emotional state.  

However, once I started to put together different rituals and practices to keep myself on-track and give myself peace, things became a whole lot easier.

And the results came!

Blossom & Dream life Planner

My best tools & rituals to ensure your success!

This Dream life Planner is the synthesis of all the best tools and practices I have discovered through all these years of trial and error.

You can rely on this time-tested system to finally get results with manifestation!

Here’s how it works:

The Dream Life Planner covers a whole year and is split in 4 periods of 90 days.

  • By having a long-term 1 year vision, you allow yourself to dream big.
    A year gives you the space to project yourself in a whole new life, completely reinvent every aspect of yourself. It gives you the canvas to make big changes.
  • By having shorter-term 90-days objectives, you keep things manageable.
    In my experience 90 days is the ideal timeframe to start seeing results and to allow yourself to course-correct and adjust your plans as needed.

Your manifestation sidekick.

I like to think of this Dream Life Planner as a manifestation guide that supports you through the entire manifestation process for a whole year.

This planner is a tool you should use everyday (several times a day, really).

It will help you journal, record your wins, debrief your fails, brainstorm new soul-centered objectives, stay motivated, relieve your fears and anxieties, bypass your sabotaging patterns, …

It’s your manifestation sidekick!

Blossom dream life planner


To achieve this the Dream Life Planner includes really powerful features such as:

  • Daily to-do and to-be lists.
    These are a great way to manage BIG dream overwhelm.
    (If you’re not familiar with the concept of a to-be list, this article will tell you why this is such a useful feature).
  • Goal-setting prompts and assessments to evaluate your progress, tweak or create new (soulful!) objectives as you go,
  • A habit tracker to track your manifestation rituals and all the life upgrades you will probably need to make to bring your vision to life,
  • And everything else you could need to manifest a soulful life!

All the support you need to manifest a soulful life!

The Dream Life Planner is designed to provide you with all the support you need to reinvent yourself, and manifest a life that fires your soul.

1. A solid structure to keep your manifestations on-track.

Since it was created with manifestation in mind, the Dream Life planner provides you with all the prompts you need to help you visualize, practice gratitude or set intentions.

First, with this planner, you don’t have to come up with the right prompts yourself or to try to adapt a regular planner to your manifestation routine.

Even better: if you’re a complete manifestation newbie it frees you from the worry of having to figure out a manifestation routine.
You can just relax and follow the prompts!

Second, because your Dream Life Planner provides you with the structure to keep your manifestations on-track, it helps you with accountability.

Everything is tracked.

This way you can quickly identify where you’re slacking and pick yourself back up fast!

DReam Life Planner closeup

2. Reminders to keep the faith & stay motivated.

I know from experience that manifestation can be disconcerting.

After all, it’s a process that relies on things you can’t see.
As you manifest your dreams, you have to work through faith, through your belief system. It can get challenging when you start to wonder if things are ever going to work out in your favor.

It can also sometimes feel a little airy-fairy (even if it’s not!).

For this reason, the Dream Life Planner integrates tons of little reminders that help you stay grounded, confident and motivated.

It’s an instant boost of confidence, strength and courage!

manifestation memento

3. Frequent check-ins to adjust your course as needed

Finally, things generally don’t manifest in a linear fashion.
It’s often a string of coincidences, inspirations, insights (sometimes breakdowns even!) that end up leading you to your dreams.

Most of the time, it doesn’t seem to make much sense as it’s unfolding. Until in the end you realize that things where actually rearranging themselves in your favor.

Now, as this happens, this means that you will need to stay flexible and reevaluate your situation and your objectives frequently.

  • Are you ahead of time?
  • Are you behind?
  • Did you make a breakthrough that has totally changed your perspective on your big vision?
  • Do you need to make adjustements to your vision?

The Dream Life Planner takes all these eventualities in consideration and prompts you regularly to check with yourself so you can adjust your trajectory as needed.

This way you stay focused and on-track!

How to get your dream life planner

Now you may ask yourself: ‘Where can I get my hands on this little wonder?’.

Well, that’s easy but there’s a catch…

The Dream Life Planner is part of BLOSSOM, my new reinvention workshop.

Why not make the planner available by itself?

Well, for two main reasons…

It’s easy to get lost and chase the wrong dreams.

The first one is that over the years, I have come to realize that most people struggle with setting the right objectives for themselves and get in trouble because of this.

We have an epidemic of smart, successful (but unfulfilled!) women who have spent so much time climbing the ladder only to realize it was leaning against the wrong wall. 

And, there are many causes for this.

In our society, most people are out-of-touch with themselves:

  • they follow their social programming and they often leave their true self outside of their success equation.

That’s why one of my biggest concerns was to avoid creating a tool that would empower you to… manifest a new golden cell for yourself!

Instead, my objective was to create a system to would support you in creating a meaningful, soulful life that really works for you.

It’s easy to get side-tracked.

The second reason is that even if you were to avoid all these traps, we all still all have blind spots.

It’s very easy to get all caught up in your own thinking and set objectives that send you way off-track and add unnecessary steps to your ultimate vision.

It’s a huge waste of time!

By having this workshop as a preliminary step, my intent is to help you avoid these HUGE traps.

The support to create a meaningful life that fires your soul.

The main goal of this workshop is to help you create a completely tailored, holistic, vision of success for every aspect of your life. 

Not success according to society.
Not success according to your neighbours.

Success according to you!

Not another generic success formula!

BLOSSOM is all about you. It’s about defining objectives that light up your soul (and most importantly, actually serve you!).

Therefore it comes it comes with a lot of soul-searching tools. You will be guided to assess:

  • what no longer makes your heart sing,
  • what’s in your way,
  • and what needs to feature in your new life for it to be the most fun, fulfilling and purposeful.

This is not about creating picture-perfect life that feels like hell!

This is about manifesting the most perfect, bespoke, juicy life you didn’t even know existed!

reinvention system

So easy to use: just let yourself be guided!

Of course, the process of making big changes in your life can be overwhelming.

Especially when you’re already busy with life!

Most of women these days just don’t have the time to test and create routines, processes, tools and systems. They just need a simple, turnkey system to get fast results without adding to their workload and their stress.

Bearing this in mind, the beauty of BLOSSOM is that you just have to follow along.

A time-tested system that takes you by the hand.

In BLOSSOM you will find:

  • Different modules that guide along the path of creating the perfect, holistic, soulful, 360° vision for your life.
  • For each module the process is simple: simply watch a short video to get the guidance you need, open your workbook and follow the soul-searching prompts.
    It’s kid’s play!
    Once you’ve completed all the steps, you will have a very clear, vivid and intricate picture of what your ideal life – a life that actually fulfills you – would look like.
  • Afterwards, and for the next 52 weeks, simply follow the prompts in your Dream Life Planner.
    There are morning and evening practices, as well as weekly, monthly and quarterly assessments for an entire year!
    With your Dream Life Planner by your side you’ll know exactly what to do to manifest your dreams at every moment of the day.
  • And if you ever get stuck, live support is also included. You can simply get in touch with me during Office Hours!

So, what’s your take?

Doesn’t this sound like the best planner to manifest your dream life?

If you agree and want to experience the power of this planner, simply click here to sign up for BLOSSOM and start using your Dream Life Planner to manifest your dreams.

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I am Dominique! I help professional women who feel unfulfilled in spite of their picture-perfect lives reinvent soul-centered, purposeful and happy lives rapidly and effortlessly. Interested? You can learn more about what I do here.

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