5 Simple ways to protect your mental health this holiday season.


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Last updated on October 20th, 2023.

As a busy career woman your mental health may suffer with the arrival of the holiday season. Between the wrapping up of the calendar year at work, the obligatory celebrations with your family members (which are not always so peaceful), and all the gifting and festivities to organize, it can really take a toll on your energy and your balance.

This is why you need a holiday season mental health plan!

Here are 5 simple ways to protect your mental health this holiday season:

1. Set boundaries

Ok, Superwoman, I know you’re indestructible but here’s a gentle reminder: even the strongest ones among us have limits.

Yes, that means you too!!

Having boundaries helps you stay balanced and healthy.

Therefore to protect your mental health, set limits according to what makes sense for your personal situation, communicate them early and stick to them.

Some areas to think about:

– What stresses you?
– What exhausts you?
– Are you an introvert? An extrovert?
– How is your budget? Are all the gifts you’ve been buying throwing things out of balance?

Not sure how you are doing? Here’s a clue: if resentment and frustration creep up, you’re probably over-extending yourself.

2. Drop perfectionism!

Perfectionism is the bane of so many women. Many of us are so insecure that we constantly strive to outdo ourselves and everyone else: outdo the neighbor’s Christmas tree, outdo last year’s dinner party, outdo your best friend’s outfit.

It never ends and it’s exhausting.

There will always be someone better than you so competing is pointless. The objective should be to be yourself!

Of course, it’s important to strive for improvement and excellence, and putting an end to perfectionism is certainly not an invitation to slack.

However remember to evaluate your efforts so shooting for more doesn’t get in the way of you enjoying life.

3. Opt-out to protect your mental health!

Now this is a big one!

Some of you are going to think that I am crazy, some of you are going to get in trouble for doing what I am suggesting but it’s fine.


You do not have to participate in every activity, every celebration, every event of this holiday season. It’s not because someone decided that it’s the time to be jolly, spend our budget on presents and festivities like there’s no tomorrow, entertain people whose company you do not enjoy that you have to oblige. It’s your life you get to decide if things makes sense to you.

If certain things are not adding to your life and overwhelm you, give yourself permission not to participate.

Some people might take offence but the people who really love you will understand.

De-prioritize, opt-out or cut the non-enjoyable out.

Bonus point:

When you make yourself scarce, your presence is actually more appreciated!

4. Anticipate!

Ok, we’re a little late in the year but you can still use this suggestion.

If you’re hosting parties: what can you prepare in advance?

If you’re going to deal with events or people that will cause you stress: can you come up with a plan to avoid getting caught by surprise?

For example: you know that uncle who always make that joke at your expense?

Instead of freezing up and getting frustrated about his behavior this year once again, prepare a couple of good comebacks or ways to divert the topic.

Having a strategy keeps you in control and alleviates your stress!

5. Take time out this holiday season!

– ‘Dominique, did you just ask me to take for myself? But, I don’t have time!’.

I know!
And, that’s a big issue.

The last one of these suggestions to protect your mental health this holiday season (but not the least) is to practice self-care.

During the holiday season, there are many obligations, lots of things to do for others. It seems impossible to do for yourself, but you have to.

You can’t give what you don’t have.
You can’t be generous with others if you’re depleted.
You can’t be the daughter, the sister, the niece, the mum, the girlfriend, the wife you want to be if you’re snarky, snappy and b*tchy.

That’s not exactly the spirit.

Carve some space out even if that means locking yourself up in the bathroom away from the guests to meditate 5 minutes.
Make space: you need and deserve it

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Protect your mental health this holiday season Pinterest banner
How to cope with end of the year stress
How to cope with end of the year stress


I am Dominique! I help professional women who feel unfulfilled in spite of their picture-perfect lives reinvent soul-centered, purposeful and happy lives rapidly and effortlessly. Interested? You can learn more about what I do here.

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